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Camera Battery (USB External) w/adapter & Mounting Screw

  • Image 1
  • Image 2
  • (camera/tower sold separately)
  • (color/exact style may vary)
1.00 LBS
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Product Description

This is an external USB battery for cameras which require such a power source.  Newer cameras require power to be feed through the USB power cord found in the camera's hand-strap, as there is no longer a slot in the back of the cameras.

(Current 2017 Sony line requires this battery: Sony CX240, CX405, CX440, etc).

*Can NOT be used with earlier cameras: Sony CX220, CX230, CX290, PJ220, PJ230.

(Roughly 2012-2016)

You will receive:

•  1- (one) 6,700 mAh (milliamp) USB battery - 1,000 mAh is approximately 1 hr of power to record, so we rate (conservatively) as an 5hr battery.  The exact color and style of the battery will vary. 


• 1 - black metal battery mounting adapter


• 1 - brass attachment screw (holds battery on to tower)

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